28 January 2018
This post is just to fill you in on some of the exciting things that the Melbourne Disc Golf Club has planned for 2018. It is our 10th year as a club and we plan to celebrate all year long. Some of the things to look forward to in 2018 are listed below. For more information on any of them please explore this website or contact us on info@melbournediscgolf.com.
- 2018 Membership drive / fundraiser. More info on this to follow soon.
- Better value League Days.
- We will be running two rounds each month. Normally, it will be your first round that will count as your league day score but in February and November both rounds will count, giving us 12 rounds of competition for the year.
- Incredible bottle opener bag tags supplied by Fidget Mini
- More Prizes.
- Weekly handicapped best score and CTP prizes.
- Annual handicapped and raw score prizes
- Travelling League Days. First one to be at Stoney Creek Reserve on March 24.
- We will be hosting or co-hosting a minimum of 4 tournaments
- West Gate Cup. March 3 at Barwon Valley, Geelong
- Vic Open. April 27 to 29
- Kingston City Classic. Oct 27
- Melbourne Cup. Nov 17 where it all began at Bundoora.
- Presentation of 4 lifetime memberships at the Vic Open.
- 2018/19 Summer Cup!!
We are looking forward to a very special year and we hope that you will join us in the celebration.
Best Regards.
Jeff Brunsting
Melbourne Disc Golf Club