Presidents Report 2018.
2018 was a great year for Melbourne Disc Golf Club. We were very proud to celebrate 10 years as a club. As part of the celebration we increased prize payouts, added some competitions and tried some new things. We had the biggest board and largest number of members in the club’s history. This is exactly as it should be, every year should be an improvement on the last.
The MDGC hosted 3 tournaments and were represented at most (if not all) of the ADG A tier events. Congratulations goes out to Evelyn Heath, Darren Stace Smith and Jeff Brunsting who were named national champions for taking out their divisions on the 2018 ADG tour. Thanks to all club members who represented us on the tour.

Evelyn, Darren and Jeff
We were very pleased to name our four inaugural life members. These were four or the original six founding fathers, Dr Greg Bowers, Paul Arden, Oliver Pauli and Ian Bycroft. These four were instrumental in getting the club off the ground in the early days and have stayed involved with the club for all 10 years. The other two founders, Ben Ayres and Daniel Hartley were also recognized with a special presentation at the 2018 Vic Open.

Melbourne Disc Golf appreciates all of its members and realizes that without them we would not have a club. I wish to thank everyone for their efforts throughout 2018 and encourage you to keep working hard in 2019. However, a few of our club members really do deserve a special mention for personal achievements in 2018.
Evelyn Heath worked very hard, with her parents help, to raise money and obtain a grant so that she could attend the PDGA Junior World Disc Golf Championships in Emporia, Kansas. While there she improved her game, got a real taste of international competition and managed to come in number 1 in doubles and 4th in her division. We are very proud of her.

Gail Lynch, who has been dubbed the First Lady of Australian Disc Golf, was honored to be inducted into the Australian Disc Golf Hall of Fame. We are very happy for Gail and appreciate all that she has done to promote the sport and our club and to encourage other women to get involved with this great sport.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge all the work that Darren Stace-Smith has done to promote the sport and all the hard work that he has put in to try to get a course installed in Kingston City. All of his hard work has paid off with Kingston City approving the course at Bald Hill Park in Clarinda. I realize that this did not come about only through Darren’s efforts and he had a lot of people working with him but it was certainly his vision and he was the driving force in bringing it home. Thanks heaps Darren!
Thanks again to MDGC board and its members for all your hard work in 2018. I look forward to a fantastic 2019.