Greetings Disc Golf aficionados,

Welcome to the first league day for 2015. And the last time (for the foreseeable future) we saw Greg Bowers this side of the vast expanse of the Pacific. Thanks, Greg for everything you’ve done to develop Disc Golf in Melbourne; your help has been invaluable.

So, on to the day’s events. To cries of “come in spinner,” 13 avid fans of the rotating sport made their way onto the hot and sunburnt course. And 18 holes later, some very impressive scores both with and without handicap were seen.

At this point an apology is in order. As my first ever attempt at scoring, I’ll admit, it was a little overwhelming and I made one small mistake. I mistyped Mathew’s name and didn’t notice the system hadn’t applied his handicap. That meant his very impressive raw score of 49 wasn’t made even more impressive by applying his handicap. This adjustment moved him from 8th to second; just two strokes behind the winner Ben Rayner and less than one stroke ahead of myself in third. Additionally, an apology for the tardiness in posting the results – the web site managed to put up an amazing fight to stop this happening!

Amazingly, the poorest post-handicap score for anyone with a current handicap was just 52.5 – fine shooting all round.

In addition, over the course of the year, I will be keeping track of every score on every hole to identify the easiest and toughest holes on the course, compared to their handicap. After one league day, holes 1 and 10 are equal first (0.15 below par), while holes 14 and 18 are equal last (0.69 over par). Further, the back nine was tougher than the front, again with respect to par, by around 1.5 shots. This may simply be due to fatigue as the group that started on hole 1 had a significantly higher difference than the group starting on hole 8. More as it unfolds.
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MDGC Shop moving to Bulleen through end Feb.


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