Inverness St, Clarinda

Bald Hill Disc Golf is a 9 basket, 18 tee course located just south of Melbourne city in Clarinda.  It is a fantastic facility complete with full course signage, concrete tee pads and RAD baskets. It even has a practice basket area with a  dedicated ‘how to play’ sign for those new to the sport.

Disc Hire

Discs are available to borrow from Clarinda Library, 58 Viney St, Clarinda.

Up to eight discs per library card can be borrowed for 3 weeks. Discs can be returned to any Kingston library branch.

You can check disc availability, join the library and put discs on hold via our online catalogue here.

A map can be found near hole one.  This map plus other useful information about the course can be found on the City of Kingston web page.

Getting There

Public Transport

By Bus:

The 703 (approx. 20 minutes between services) between Blackburn Station and Middle Brighton along with the 733 (30 minute service) between Box Hill and Oakleigh Stations both run along Centre Rd in Clarinda.  Leave the bus as close as possible to the Springs Rd intersection and walk 5 – 8 minutes to the course.  Both services can easily be accessed via Oakleigh or Clayton railway stations.  In addition, the 733 departs from Box Hill Station and the 703 from Blackburn Station.

The 631 is a service running approximately every 40 minutes between Waverley Gardens and Southlands Shopping Centres but runs along Springs and Bunney Sts beside the course.

As always, exact timetable and map details are available from the Public Transport web site

New stock of all brands being uploaded now! MDGC Shop is now back in Carnegie.


Discounted Lat64/Dynamic/Discmania added to the Bargain Bin see HERE