2020 Westgate Cup

The Westgate Cup is an annual inter-club challenge between the Melbourne and Geelong Disc Golf Clubs.  This takes the form of match play with various combinations of singles and doubles.  Each team is comprised of 8 players, the only restriction being that each team must have at least one female player. The event alternates between […]

March League Day

Our March League Day will be held at Stony Creek Disc Golf Course. Cancelled due to Coronavirus Crisis.

Mt Baw Baw Alpine Disc Golf Classic

Yes, it's on again, this time a couple of weeks earlier than in previous years. Arrangements are still a little vague, but stay tuned for updates. I've asked the on-site organisers for confirmation of details, and will update as they come to hand. However, accommodation will most likely be in Banksia Lodge again, with overflow […]

New stock of all brands being uploaded now! MDGC Shop moving back to Carnegie Mid March.


25% OFF all Dynamic Discs molds. See Bargain Bin HERE