5 December 2017
The sad news is that the Melbourne Disc Golf League Days have finished for the year. The great news is, that thanks to the efforts of David Heath, there is going to be an informal competition running throughout the summer. It should be a lot of fun and we are very excited!! The details are below.
- $5 to enter – either direct deposit REMOVED (SC & your name as a reference) or via the Pro Shop (to be added as an item soon).
- The event will run from December 6, 2017 to 16 February 2018.
- Subject to the number of entries, up to 4 divisions will be offered, based on PDGA rating. Rating estimates will be used where necessary (other than assigning to a division, rating will play no further part in the event).
- Whenever an informal round is played on the standard 18‐hole course at Ruffey, by any group of 2 or more players, submit the score card to David Heath – summer-cup@melbournediscgolf.com. All such playing groups will be self‐arranged – there are no mandated playing days – everything is to be entirely casual.
- All results will be collated. For each player, the best three rounds will be corrected for handicap (using the final handicap as at the end of the 2017 league season). The total of the three handicap‐corrected rounds will be the final entry. A minimum of 3 rounds must be completed for a valid entry. Lowest total wins.
- The winner in each division will receive a $20 voucher to spend at the club pro shop.
- Winners to be announced at the February league day on Saturday February 17th.
Wishing you and your family all the best for the Holiday Season.
Melbourne Disc Golf Club