Hi all,
The October League could not boast the biggest turn out but what we lost in quantity we made up for in quality. Injury and illness kept a few away we had a great group of people and those who were there had a lot of fun. It was good to see some relatively new players along with some who have not played in a while. Congratulations to Jeff Brunsting for taking out the League Day with his best ever raw score of 56 resulting in a net score of 44. Jeff just edged out Mike Williams on 45. Jeff and Mike both received a special league day prize donated by Paul. They were giant foam Frisbees called Dodgebees that actually fly ok. Thanks Paul. As far as the raw scores go; it was a pretty tight race with Patty finishing on 52, Matt Adams on 53 and Paul on 54.
We are getting pretty close to the end of the year now with only one more league day left. Tarron is looking very good to take out the top spot for overall points for 2014 thanks to some great scores and making every league day this year. Well done Tarron. Tarron is on 657 points followed by Oli on 578 and Racim on 522. That’s a lot of pressure on Tarron to make sure he can attend the last league day in November. That League day is also doubling as the Melbourne Cup tournament. We are planning to set up the full 18 hole course as used for the Vic open. It will be a great day so try to make it if you can.
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