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Cart & Checkout FAQs

You first need to provide a suburb and postcode. Click the “Change Address” link in the cart and provide your suburb and postcode. Once those are provided, you should now have a shipping option and a shipping quote.

We use a courier service for shipping, and sometimes people living in rural or regional areas of Australia can get quoted a very high shipping rate.

We have a flat-rate Auspost shipping option you can add to your cart for $18 here:

Auspost Shipping Add-On

Just add that to your order with the products you are buying, and select “Local Pickup” as your shipping option. Make sure you still fill out your correct shipping address during checkout. We will email you when your order ships.

If you have further questions, you can contact us at:

Or you can also call us at the Pro Shop # listed at the bottom of this page.

Our shipping courier service is only able to ship to physical locations in Australia. Shipping to a lockbox is not possible.

New stock of all brands being uploaded now! MDGC Shop moving back to Carnegie Mid March.


25% OFF all Dynamic Discs molds. See Bargain Bin HERE