2025 Ace Club Membership


Please choose Standard Membership

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The Ace pool has been a part of the MDGC culture for a long time but ever growing number of members and events makes it very difficult to use the traditional ace pool system of collecting cash. Therefore, we have gone to an electronic and easy to manage format.

If you want to see if you are already registered or see how the system works check out the link to the spreadsheet and rules here.

The rules are simple:

  1. You can buy into the Ace club at any time you like (until the cut off date of Oct 1). Once you do, you will be entered into every remaining social day at each venue for the rest of the season. The cost of entry will decrease each month. (See the table below).
  2. The Ace pool is spread across all of the social day events for the year so your entry fee will be split into $1 for each remaining rounds for the rest of the year.
  3. We are capping the Ace Pot in 2025. The pot will be capped at $500. When that is reached the accumulated Ace Club funds will start building the next pot.
  4. The accumulated pool up to $500 will be split between any and all aces for any particular round. IE if 2 people get aces at Bald Hill in July, they would split $316 based on the example below. For the next round, the Ace pool would reset to $24 and accumulate from there.
  5. Ace Club memberships can only be purchased from our online store.
  6. We understand that this is not for everyone but will certainly be worthwhile for those who plan to play regularly throughout the 2025 season. It’s a great, set and forget, way to insure your future Aces.
  7. The Ace Club is for Social Days between February and November and does not include Club Champs or other comps, unless they are part of that schedule.

I hope this makes sense, but if you have any questions, please contact Allen Brunsting

New stock of all brands being uploaded now! MDGC Shop is now back in Carnegie.


Discounted Lat64/Dynamic/Discmania added to the Bargain Bin see HERE