In 2017 the Maribyrnong City Council installed 3 permanent baskets in addition to 1 home made basket that was already erected in the park.

Since then, the course has undergone a major upgrade and now has nine concrete teepads and nine permanent baskets.  You can find images and maps of the new layout on uDisc

This course is free to play.

Course Map


Getting There

Located just 10 minutes from Melbourne CBD under the Westgate Bridge, the course can be easily accessed by parking in the carpark located at 310 Hyde Street, Yarraville.

By Public Transport

The course is located 1.5km away from Yarraville Train Station (approx. an 18 minute walk).


There is limited parking at the main parking lot on Hyde Street.  There is street parking in the neighboring area on the following streets:

Hughee Street

Lormer Street

Beverley Street

See the map below and click the orange P icons to get directions.

New stock of all brands being uploaded now! MDGC Shop is now back in Carnegie.


Discounted Lat64/Dynamic/Discmania added to the Bargain Bin see HERE